ACOD Dresden

September 11, 2024 | Gläserne Manufaktur, Lennèstraße 1, 01069 Dresden

The East German automotive industry in transition – a review of the 17th ACOD Congress

The automotive industry in eastern Germany is going through a decisive phase. Against the backdrop of geopolitical uncertainties and new market requirements, the industry is facing up to the challenges of a sustainable future. At the 17th ACOD Congress at Volkswagen’s Transparent Factory in Dresden, these topics were discussed intensively – and we, the Clavey team, were there!

Focus on transformation:

The East German automotive industry is excellently positioned, particularly in the field of electromobility. However, the current political and economic conditions do not make it easy to manage the transformation into the future. Together with industry experts such as Patrick Clavey, Steffen Ziegler, Torge Brandenburg and Andreas Brosinger (TEON GmbH), we attended the congress to discuss the most pressing issues and challenges.

Key demands and important impulses:

1️⃣ Openness to technology instead of party political guidelines: In order to secure Germany’s position as a business location, politicians must be open to technology and not hamper industry with overly regulated environmental and energy targets.

2️⃣ Training and further education is key: Highly qualified specialists are the basis of a successful automotive industry. The promotion and adaptation of training and further education plays a decisive role in shaping the transformation in a sustainable way.

3️⃣ Linking the automotive and IT sectors: Increasing digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence offer enormous opportunities for the automotive industry. Close cooperation with the IT sector is therefore essential in order to remain internationally competitive.

4️⃣ Less bureaucracy, more predictability: A reduction in bureaucracy and a stable, predictable cost structure, particularly for energy costs, are urgently needed to give companies the freedom to innovate.

An important step into the future

The ACOD Congress has shown that the East German automotive industry is ready to actively shape the transformation. However, this also requires the right framework conditions. Openness to technology, a strong skilled workforce and less bureaucracy – these are the levers that will move the industry forward.

At Clavey, we support this transformation and are actively working to develop innovative solutions to further strengthen eastern Germany as a business location. The congress was an important milestone on this path and we are delighted to be part of this movement.


The East German automotive industry is facing a major upheaval. The ACOD Congress not only highlighted the current challenges, but also showed that there are many opportunities – if the right course is set. Now is the time to seize these opportunities and shape the future of mobility together.

Patrick Clavey sums it up aptly:

“As usual, the event provided a wonderful platform for exchange between experts in our industry. The congress not only impressed with its high-caliber presentations and exciting discussions, but also with the opportunity to make valuable contacts and gain new impetus. The open dialog and practical insights were particularly invaluable.”